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Center Associates

Behavioral Health Integrative Service (BHIS)
In Home Family Therapy (IHFT)

       In Home Family Therapy (IHFT)  is offered through the Children’s Mental Health Waiver and managed by Integrated Health Services Personnel.  IHFT's goal is to improve mental and behavioral health through work in the home setting.  Services are therapy in nature and explore needs of the family and offer efforts to restore positive family relationships and help clients retain placement in their home.
      Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS) is offered through Medicaid insurance and are authorized after client sees an Licensed Practitioner and gets an LPHA assessment.  That Assessment is sent to the client’s MCO for approval for in home BHIS support.  BHIS services are geared to address communication skills, problem solving, conflict resolution skills, executive functioning skills, emotional regulation skills, and/or cognitive flexibility skills in the home or office setting.  BHIS can occur in the office or home.
     For both services, client needs to be 17 years or younger and in need of services as deemed appropriate by the MCO, LPHA and therapist/provider.  â€‹


Ron Eberline


Duane Eberly

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